Rowell Engineer

21 April 2020

Vijeo Designer V6.2

Vijeo Designer V6.2


Vijeo Designer V6.2 SP5                                                                      

Schneider Vijeo Designer v6.2 Software for HMI

Vijeo Designer V6.2.8+CRACK



Vijeo Designer V6.1


Vijeo Designer Basic1.1.0

Vijeo Designer Lite V1.3 SP1

What are the New Features of Vijeo Designer v6.2?

Published date: 10 April 2018

Here are the new features available when upgrading Vijeo Designer from V6.1 to V6.2:
·         USB keyboard accessory support
·         New Driver: Siemens 505 Ethernet
·         RS485 Module support for Magelis iPC
·         Templates to use in starting customer projects - especially ATV
·         Registration: Vijeo Designer registration becomes mandatory
·         Vijeo Design’Air and Air Plus support for Magelis iPC targets
·         Vijeo Design’Air and Air Plus: Exclusive usage limited at Runtime, not at Buildtime
·         Vijeo Design’Air Plus:
-         New object: Message display object
-     Label for lamp

What are the Vijeo Designer v6.2 Runtime specifications/limitations?

发布日期: 28 January 2019

What are the Vijeo Designer v6.2 Runtime specifications/limitations?

Product Line:
Vijeo Designer, XBTGC/GK/GT, HMIGK/GTO/GTU/STO/STU, iPC, Panel PC, Box PC

Below are the Runtime specifications for Vijeo Designer v6.2.

Run-Time Specifications

  • Use the following statistics as only a guideline for creating your own applications. Some applications may not be able to run despite remaining below these documented numbers because of memory limitations. To make sure your application will run correctly, check the memory requirement for each panel and operation, and compare these requirements with your target machine. For details, see Section 25.3.3, Checking Memory UsageAlways test your application thoroughly before running it in a production environment.
  • The following statistics were obtained by testing each individually on factory machines. These numbers will vary depending on the operating environment, the complexity of the application, the CPU load, and the amount of memory available on the target machine. Some of these performance numbers can be enhanced with upgraded memory, CF Cards/SD Cards, and hard disks.
Number of panels/popup windows (limit)The number of panels that can be created in a project depends on the amount of flash memory available on your target machine and on the size of  each panel. For example, you can have a project on an XBTGT6330 target that contains 100 panels.
As the number of panels for your project increases, memory consumption also increases.
Number of objects on a panel (recommended)The number of objects that can be placed on a panel depends on the target machine's panel height and width. For example, you can have a project on an XBTGT6330 target that contains 200 objects per panel.
As the number of objects placed on a panel increases, memory consumption also increases.
Popup windows (limit)Number of popup windows that can be displayed at run time: maximum of 3, which includes the popup keypad.
Large Toolchest partsOn some targets, large parts placed on a panel may cause a wait time to occur when changing panels. For example, on an XBTGC 2230U, switching from one panel to another panel with a Web Browser took several seconds.
Maximum number of actions100
Maximum length of each script (recommended)
For other script recommendations, see Section 18.3.4, Key Points.
50 lines
Error Logging
Number of run-time events stored100
Alarms and Events
Number of Alarm Groups and Event Groups in a Target (limit)32 max.
Number of Alarm Categories and Remote Categories in a Target (limit)32 max.
Number of event records in an event group (limit)The number of event records you can store in each event group is 10,000 max. Events are recorded in both History and Log, which results in having two event records for each event that occurs. For example, if you set 10,000 as the maximum number of total records, you can only store 5000 events.
Number of alarms in alarm groups (limit)The number of Log and History alarm records you can store in each alarm group is 10,000 max.
In the Alarms node, when Backup Alarm Group is set to No, you can store up to 80,000 total Log and History alarms in a target's alarm groups.
When Backup Alarm Group is Yes, the number of alarms is limited by the space available on SRAM.
Number of alarms in an alarm category (limit) and remote category60,000
Alarm Backup
The size required by each alarm message depends on the alarm type.
Active: 20 bytes per record
History: 24 bytes per record
Log: 16 bytes per record
SRAM Capacity (Backup) is different for each target machine type.
128 to 512 KB (Depends on model. Refer to your hardware manual.)
For information about how much SRAM is required by your project, see Section 4.5.1, Target Properties.
Number of attachments per e-mail1 max.
Maximum size of file attachment10 MB
Link Objects
Maximum number of definition objects (per Target node)100
Maximum of folder levels in the folder structure for definition objects (per Target node)5
Number of text files (limit)200 max.
Text file size (recommended)50KB max.
Number of video files (limit)200 max.
Number of sound files (limit)HMIG5U / HMIG5U2 / iPC / XBTGTW SeriesHMIG3U / XBTGC / XBTGT / XBTGH / HMIGTO / HMISTO / HMISTU / HMISCU / HMIGK SeriesXBTGK Series
Number of user languages you can create (allowed)15 max.
Number of variables per panel (limit)HMIG5U / HMIG5U2 / iPC SeriesAll other target types
Maximum 2500 variables per panelMaximum 800 variables per panel.
Number of variables per target (limit)HMIG5U / HMIG5U2 / iPC / XBTGTW SeriesHMIG3U / XBTGC / XBTGT / XBTGH / HMIGTO / HMISTO / HMISTU / HMISCU / HMIGK SeriesXBTGK Series
12000 max.8000 max.8000 max.

  • For iPCs, if persistent variables such as alarm variables and data logging variables are used, a maximum of 8000 variables can be supported for each iPC target.
Number of variables you can share (recommended)HMIG5U / HMIG5U2 / iPC / XBTGTW SeriesHMIG3U / XBTGC / XBTGT / XBTGH / HMIGTO / HMISTO / HMISTU / HMISCU / HMIGK SeriesXBTGK Series

  • The Maximum Number of Shared Variables is the recommended maximum number of variables that is shared at any one time NOT the maximum number of Sharing-enabled (Read-only or Read/Write) variables. In other words, the number of variables that you set to Read-Only or Read/Write has no limits; only the number of variables that are accessed by other targets is limited. Performance may become an issue if you exceed the recommended maximum.
Number of security groups per target20 max.
Number of users per security group100 max.
Number of users per target100 max.
Number of users per Vijeo Designer project200 max.
Driver Restrictions on Windows Target Machines
Biometric SwitchThe Biometric Switch's USB driver currently does not support Windows target machines running on embedded Windows operating systems, including Windows XP Embedded and Windows Embedded 7.
Drivers not supported on target machines that run Windows operating systemsThe following drivers are not supported on Windows operating systems, and therefore Windows target machines cannot connect to physical equipment using these drivers. Simulation in Buildtime is also not supported.
Schneider Electric:
  • Modbus TCP/IP USB
  • Modbus Plus
  • Modbus Slave RTU
Siemens AG:
Rockwell Automation:
  • DH485
Data Logging
Number of Data Logging Groups in a target (limit)80
Maximum number of variables being logged in a targetHMIG5U / HMIG5U2 / iPC / XBTGTW SeriesHMIG3U / XBTGT1005 / XBTGT2000 and higher / XBTGC / XBTGK / HMIGTO / HMISCU / HMIGK SeriesHMISTO / HMISTU SeriesXBTGH Series
250 variables max.100 variables max.60 variables max.80 variables max.
Table Resources
Maximum number of table resources in a tablet/smartphone project10
Maximum number of states in a table resource255
Resource Library
Maximum number of Text, Color, Image, Font Resources in a project (limit)256
Maximum size of an image file used in an image resource1920x1080
Forms Printing
Number of forms you can create for each user application (limit)50 max.
Maximum number of objects on one form (recommended)2000
Number of equipment nodes (limit)HMIG5U / HMIG5U2 / iPC / XBTGTW SeriesHMIG3U / XBTGC / XBTGT / XBTGH / HMIGTO / HMISTO / HMISTU / HMISCU / HMIGK SeriesXBTGK Series
80 max.48 max.48 max.
Number of scan groups per equipment (limit)20 max. per equipment node
Number of Maximum Share Connections (limit)HMIG5U / HMIG5U2 / iPC / XBTGTW SeriesHMIG3U / XBTGC / XBTGT / XBTGH / HMIGTO / HMISTU / HMIGK / HMISCU SeriesXBTGK Series

  • The maximum number of shared connections includes:
  • Remote targets in target-to-target sharing
  • Web Gate
  • Vijeo Design'Air Plus mobile devices
  • Remote alarm access from other targets
  • Intelligent Data Services (IDS) tool access
Total number of recipe groups (standard recipe group or Parison Recipe Group) per target32 max.
Number of recipes in a recipe group (limit)256 max.
Number of ingredients in each recipe (limit) for a standard recipe group1024 max.
Number of ingredients in each recipe (limit) for a Parison Recipe Group64 min.
400 max.

The user application you create in the Editor is restricted by target machine run-time specifications. The following table lists the memory capacity of available target machines. DRAM memory affects how much information you can display on the panel at one time. Internal Memory affects the total size of your application. SRAM memory affects how much information you can store between run-time sessions.
If you are using a tablet/smartphone, the memory capacity depends on the model. See the manufacturer's specifications for more information.

Target MachineMemory (DRAM)Storage Media / Internal Memory (Flash Memory)Memory (SRAM)
Magelis iPCCompact MPC KT52256 or 512 MBN.A.2 MB (Simulated)
Compact MPC KT22512 or 1024 MBN.A.2 MB (Simulated)
Compact MPC KT12512 or 1024 MBN.A.512 KB
Compact MPC KT55xx2512, 1024, or 2048 MBN.A.512 KB
Compact MPC KT22xxx20512 MBN.A.512 KB
Compact PC Box MPC KN02512 MBN.A.512 KB
Smart MPC ST52256, 512, or 1024 MBN.A.2 MB (Simulated)
Smart MPC ST21256, 512, or 1024 MBN.A.2 MB (Simulated)
Smart MPC ST11256 or 512 MBN.A.512 KB
Smart/Smart+ MPC ST52xx2/HMI PSx7256, 512, or 1024 MBN.A.512 KB
Smart Box MPC SN01256 MBN.A.512 KB
Smart MPC ST21xxx20512 MBN.A.512 KB
Flex PC Box PTX MPC02512 MBN.A.2 MB (Simulated)
Flex PC Box PTX MPC05512 MBN.A.2 MB (Simulated)
Box Performance HMIBPxxx22-8 GBStorage media512 KB
Box Performance HMIBPxxx52-8 GBStorage media512 KB
Box Universal HMIBUxxx11-3 GBStorage media512 KB
Box Universal HMIBUxxx21-3 GBStorage media512 KB
HMIGTW5354/Panel W HMIPWC51-2 GBStorage media512 KB
HMIGTW7354x/Panel Optimum HMI PWC7/PVC71-2 GBStorage media512 KB
Panel Performance HMIPPx64 GB DDR3 (in 1 slot)Storage media2 MB (Simulated) or Interface Option ports (IF and IF2)
Panel Performance HMI PPx7/PRx72-8 GBStorage media512 KB
Panel Performance HMIPPx92-8 GBStorage media512 KB
Panel Universal HMIPUx62 GB DDR3 (in 1 slot)Storage media2 MB (Simulated) or Interface Option ports (IF and IF2)
Panel Universal HMI PUx7/PTx71-3 GBStorage media512 KB
Panel Universal HMIPUx91-3 GBStorage media512 KB
XBTGTW450512 MBN.A.2 MB (Simulated)
XBTGTW652256, 512, or 1024 MBN.A.2 MB (Simulated)
XBTGTW750/HMIGTW7353512 MBN.A.2 MB (Simulated)
Rack PC Optimized HMIRSO/HMIRXO2 GBStorage mediaUse Internal Flash to simulate SRAM.
Rack PC Universal HMIRSU4 GBStorage mediaUse Internal Flash to simulate SRAM.
Rack PC Performance HMIRSP4 GBStorage mediaUse Internal Flash to simulate SRAM.
S-BOX PC Optimized HMIBSO2 GBStorage mediaUse Internal Flash to simulate SRAM.
S-BOX PC Universal HMIBSU4 GBStorage mediaUse Internal Flash to simulate SRAM.
S-Panel Performance HMIPSPx78 GBStorage media2 MB (Simulated) or Interface Option ports (IF and IF2)
S-Panel Performance HMIPSPx98 GBStorage media2 MB (Simulated) or Interface Option ports (IF and IF2)
Enclosed PC Performance HMIPEPx98 GBStorage media2 MB (Simulated)
S-Panel Optimized HMIPSOx54 GBStorage media2 MB (Simulated) or Interface Option ports (IF and IF2)
S-Panel Optimized HMIPSOx74 GBStorage media2 MB (Simulated) or Interface Option ports (IF and IF2)
Box Universal HMIBMU4 GBStorage media512 KB
Performance HMIBMP8 GBStorage media512 KB
Magelis HMIGTO SeriesHMIGTO1300128 MB64 MB128 KB
HMIGTO1310128 MB96 MB512 KB
HMIGTO2300128 MB64 MB128 KB
HMIGTO2310128 MB96 MB512 KB
HMIGTO2315128 MB96 MB512 KB
HMIGTO3510128 MB96 MB128 KB
HMIGTO4310128 MB96 MB512 KB
HMIGTO5310128 MB96 MB512 KB
HMIGTO5315128 MB96 MB512 KB
HMIGTO6310128 MB96 MB512 KB
HMIGTO6315128 MB96 MB512 KB
Magelis HMIGTU SeriesHMIG3U256 MB1 GB512 KB
HMIG5U22 GB16 GB512 KB
Magelis HMISCU SeriesHMISAC (HMIS65/S85)128 MB128 MB128 KB
HMISBC (HMIS65/S85)128 MB128 MB128 KB
Magelis HMISTO SeriesHMISTO50132 MB16 MB128 KB (Simulated)
HMISTO51132 MB16 MB128 KB (Simulated)
HMISTO51232 MB16 MB128 KB (Simulated)
HMISTO53132 MB16 MB128 KB (Simulated)
HMISTO53232 MB16 MB128 KB (Simulated)
Magelis HMISTU SeriesHMISTU65532 MB16 MB64 KB
HMISTU85532 MB16 MB64 KB
Magelis XBTGT SeriesXBTGT734064 MB32 MB512 KB
XBTGT634064 MB32 MB512 KB
XBTGT633032 MB32 MB512 KB
XBTGT543032 or 64 MB*132 MB512 KB
XBTGT534064 MB32 MB512 KB
XBTGT533032 MB32 MB512 KB
XBTGT523032 MB32 MB512 KB
XBTGT434064 MB32 MB512 KB
XBTGT433032 MB32 MB512 KB
XBTGT423032 MB32 MB512 KB
XBTGT293064 MB16 MB512 KB
XBTGT243064 MB32 MB512 KB
XBTGT233032 MB16 MB512 KB
XBTGT222032 MB16 MB512 KB
XBTGT213032 MB16 MB512 KB
XBTGT212032 MB16 MB512 KB
XBTGT211032 MB16 MB128 KB
XBTGT133532 MB32 MB128 KB
XBTGT113532 MB32 MB128 KB
XBTGT110532 MB32 MB128 KB
Magelis XBTGC SeriesXBTGC1100T32 MB16 MB512 KB
XBTGC1100U32 MB16 MB512 KB
XBTGC2120T32 MB16 MB512 KB
XBTGC2120U32 MB16 MB512 KB
XBTGC2230T32 MB16 MB512 KB
XBTGC2230U32 MB16 MB512 KB
XBTGC2330T32 MB16 MB512 KB
XBTGC2330U32 MB16 MB512 KB
Magelis XBTGH SeriesXBTGH246064 MB32 MB512 KB
Magelis XBTGK SeriesXBTGK212032 MB16 MB512 KB
XBTGK233032 MB16 MB512 KB
XBTGK533032 MB32 MB512 KB
Magelis HMIGK SeriesHMIGK2310128 MB96 MB512 KB
HMIGK5310128 MB96 MB512 KB

*1 The XBTGT5430 model comes in two versions that differ in their DRAM size (32 MB or 64 MB). To determine the version of the XBTGT5430, look for the following serial numbers on the manufacturer's label on your target machine:
  • 32 MB: PV: 01, RL: 00, SV: 1.0
  • 64 MB: PV: 01, RL: 01, SV: 1.1
In Vijeo Designer when you select XBTGT5430 as a target machine, by default it is set to the 64 MB version. No additional memory check is performed for the 32 MB version. Make sure your application does not exceed the amount of DRAM available on your target machine. To find out the amount of memory available on a target machine, see Section 26.4.6, Displaying Memory.

Can Vijeo Designer v6.2 open projects with previous versions?

Published date: 25 January 2018

Vijeo Designer v6.2 can open applications that are created with the following versions:
  • Vijeo Designer v5.0 (and associated patches)
  • Vijeo Designer v5.1 (and associated patches)
  • Vijeo Designer v6.0 (and associated patches)
  • Vijeo Designer v6.1 (and associated patches)
If the project is older than v5.0, then open the project is v6.1, export it back out to a VDZ, and then import into v6.2. 

What are the new changes in Vijeo Designer v6.2 Service Pack 8?

Published date: 16 January 2019

What are the new changes in Vijeo Designer v6.2 Service Pack 8?

Product Line
Vijeo Designer V6.2, Magelis HMIGTO, Magelis HMIG3U


Buildtime Changes

Validating script with extra line breaks at the end
Fixed an issue where validating a script with extra line breaks in key areas of the script caused the application to exit unexpectedly.

Could not import variables exported as CSV or TXT
Fixed an issue with the Export Variables command when exporting as a CSV or TXT file, which could not be re-imported into the editor.

Integer array variables in script
Fixed an issue in scripts so you can now work with internal integer array variables and assign array values.

File System download and retentive variables
Fixed an the error that occurred when using File System download to update a project on the target machine after either enabling or disabling the retentive feature in variables.

Adding recipe ingredients caused Vijeo Designer to exit unexpectedly
Fixed an issue that caused Vijeo Designer to exit unexpectedly when adding new recipe ingredients.

Unable to use Toolchest-Templates-Equipment
Fixed an issue so you can now use objects from the Toolchest’s Templates/Equipment folder.

Data Transfer Tool command line did not support domain names
Fixed an issue with the Data Transfer Tool so it can now use from the command line domain names defined in the Windows hosts file.

Min/Max fields disabled in the Variable Properties dialog box
Fixed an issue in the Variable Properties dialog box where the Min/Max fields were sometimes mistakenly grayed out and unavailable for editing.

Changing target machine from HMIG3U to HMIG5U caused error 2223
Fixed an issue with the Daylight Saving Time property which displayed error 2223 when changing target types from HMIG3U to HMIG5U.

Switch Settings dialog box does not display fully in Simplified Chinese OS
Fixed an issue so Windows operating systems with the Simplified Chinese locale now display the Switch Settings dialog box properly.

User documentation – maximum number of variables logged in a target
Fixed the online help so it correctly displays the recommended maximum number of variables you can log on HMIGTO target machines.

User documentation – HMIGTO and mouse
Documented performance issues for using a mouse on HMIGTO target machines.

Upload Recipes did not operate properly
Fixed an issue with the Upload Recipes command so when you click the Replace existing recipes option more than once, it correctly uploads and replaces existing recipes.

Runtime Changes

Alarm message did not display in Alarm Summary
Fixed an issue where a popup window triggered by an alarm action prevented the alarm message from displaying in the alarm summary object.

Active alarms and change screen operations caused project and error messages
Fixed a communication issue that caused project and error messages when using datasharing between projects with alarms triggered over and over again on the datasharing server target machine, while changing screens on the datasharing client target machine.

Synchronizing HMIGTO clock with PLC caused target machine to freeze
Fixed an issue with the run time that caused the HMIGTO target machine to freeze and display daylight saving time messages when frequently synchronizing the clock on the target machine with the PLC clock.

Auto-logout script caused script error
Fixed an issue with the automatic logout script that caused a script error to appear every second.

Straight lines on the editor appeared bent at run time
Fixed an issue where short line objects – drawn on a screen – appeared bent on the target machine.

Variable set up on Illuminated Switch did not work on screen change
Fixed an issue so that even if you change screens, the variable set up in the Illuminated Switch is actively monitored and lights on the Illuminated Switch are updated accordingly.

Two different arrays with variable index value
Fixed an issue where two different array index references with variables as the index number in an expression now evaluate properly.

Serial bar code reader failed to read string with 31 characters
Fixed an issue so that you can now connect serial bar code readers to read character strings 31 characters long.

Momentary switch sometimes performed like a toggle switch
Fixed an issue with variables in Momentary switches so the switch now performs On Touch and On Release operations correctly.

Close current popup window with decision operation
Fixed an issue so you can now close the current popup window by using a decision operation.

Modbus TCP communication issue (error code 8088h)
Fixed the PLC returned error code 8088h message that appeared with the Modbus TCP device driver.

Note: For cumulative changes, see the full release notes:

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